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Of Most Recent Interest

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- Art and Beauty in priestly training - The Year of Faith
- The need for a catholic reform in the formation, the life and the ministry of priests - The Year of Faith
- Letter to Seminarians on the Occasion of the Day for the Sanctification of Priests
- The Virgin Mary and the Saints in the Formation, Life and Ministry of Priests - The Year of Faith
- World Day of Prayer for Vocations
- The liturgical year in the life and the ongoing formation of priests - The Year of Faith
- ''Rumination'' on the Word of God in the Life and Ministry of Priests - The Year of Faith
- Motu Proprio ''Ministrorum institutio''
- Eucharistic Adoration: BooksForCatholics.com reprinting the booklet: Eucharistic Adoration for the Sanctification of Priests and Spiritual Maternity
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) in the formation and the ministry of priests - The Year of Faith
- Fifty years from the second Vatican Ecumenical Council: A fertile legacy for the Ministry and the life of Priests
- Message To Priests On The Occasion of the Opening of the Year of Faith
- Priestly Chastity
- Circular letter to Rectors of Shrines
- New! Library /The Social Doctrine of the Church
- Message to Priests - Lent 2011
- The Missionary Identity of the Priest in the Church which is intrinsic to the exercise of the tria munera (Presentation of the circular letter)
- Priestly Celibacy: Foundations, Joys and Challenges
- Sunday and Feastday Homilies: brief lines of thought